Wilkes County Schools

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Technology Plan



Table of Contents 



Strategic Priorities Overview

Priority 1:  Shared Services Model

Priority 2:  Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices

Priority 3:  Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources

Priority 4:  Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development

Priority 5:  Digital Leadership 


Wilkes County Schools’ Technology Plan

Vision State

Vision Statement


Technologically proficient administrators and educators empower students to develop skills to become self-motivated leaders in the global community. 


Wilkes County Schools envision a culture of learning where:

  • All users understand the capabilities and capacity of available technology hardware, software, infrastructure, and personnel resources.
  • Students are engaged in inquiry-based, problem-based, hands-on learning.
  • Students are technologically adept.
  • Students accept responsibility for their own learning.
  • Teachers use technology to facilitate learning.
  • Teachers accept responsibility for acquiring the knowledge and skills to integrate technology.
  • Administrators support and advocate the use of technology.


Wilkes County Schools’ Technology Plan

Strategic Priorities


Wilkes County Schools strive to provide access to digital resources and content for instruction.  We believe technology can be used to extend the classroom beyond the school to state, national, and global levels.  Technology provides a mechanism to create relevant meaningful content for project based, student centered learning.  To provide these educational opportunities, Wilkes County Schools will continue our 1:1 program in grades K – 12.   Digital learning facilitators and instructional specialists will continue to work together to provide professional development opportunities at the school level to support digital teaching and learning.


Strategic Priority 1: A Statewide Shared Services Model

Currently, Wilkes County Schools’ infrastructure includes on-site storage, management tools, printing, and application, file sharing, and other services. Wireless network hardware is available at all locations to support mobile computing devices.  Voice over IP telephones are installed at all schools and administrative facilities.  Firewalls and filters are maintained at the district level.  Google G Suite for Education is used for teachers and student email and document sharing.  Wilkes County Schools connects to the internet over the North Carolina Research in Education Network.  Wilkes County Schools will utilize the resources in Homebase provided by NCDPI to leverage statewide cost savings. 


Strategic Priority 1: A Statewide Shared Services Model

Academic Standards


Update the analysis of the technology infrastructure needed to support a digital curriculum and assessment system and to move additional testing to appropriate technology formats. This analysis will allow the transition from a paper–based assessment system to one that takes greater advantage of technology

Career and College Ready


Put more technology into the hands of students and teachers to increase individualized learning options

Local and State Scopes of Work


Incorporate the state infrastructure blueprint into technology plans

Implement the infrastructure blueprint

Provide access to effective, high–quality, job–embedded, data–informed professional development and support for educators with objectives aligned to the Race to the Top Initiatives

Home Base


Participate in shared services hosted by NC Education Cloud where appropriate as services become available and current contracts expire

 Provide and support student, teacher, and administrator access to a Learner Management System and web collaboration tools at each school


1.  Statewide Shared Services Model     





Evaluation Method(s)


Provide equitable and additional access to mobile devices

Continue 1:1 laptop program in grades  K-12


Administrators, Teachers, Technology Staff





Provide equitable and additional access to digital resources

Utilize resources available in Homebase for instruction

Online reports available in Homebase


Reduce operating costs by facilitating a more strategic budgeting model utilizing blended funding and reducing isolated programmatic spending

Utilize federal, state, and local funds from various departments to provide instructional resources for digital teaching and learning


Administrators, Teachers, Technology Staff


Purchase orders


Promote/maintain innovative funding model by utilizing NCEdCloud offerings, Home Base and/or comparable alternatives

Utilize NC Education Cloud services and NCREN connectivity services to reduce individual/district purchasing of outside resources


Administrators, Teachers, Technology Staff



Online reports available in Homebase, NCREN monthly reports


Maximize E-Rate in support of instructional programs

Continue to seek E-rate funds to support telecommunications, internet access and technology resources that support instruction


Technology Staff, Finance Staff



E-rate Documentation


Provide content filtering in accordance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

Continue to provide CIPA compliant filtering for all computers with Internet access on the WCS network


Technology Staff, Administrators



Content Filtering reports




Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices

Wilkes County Schools provide a teacher laptop for all regular education, Pre-K, media coordinators, and EC teachers.  All students in grades K-12 have a 1:1 access to a laptop or Chromebook. High school students utilize laptops or Chromebooks for online courses through the NC Virtual Public High School, Edmentum, and online courses provided by Wilkes Community College.


Wilkes County Schools will maintain the 1:1 laptop/Chromebook program in grades K-12.  Online assessments will be conducted as available from NCDPI.


Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices

Academic Standards


Update the analysis of the technology infrastructure needed to support a digital curriculum and assessment system and to move additional testing to appropriate technology formats

This analysis will allow the transition from a paper–based assessment system to one that takes greater advantage of technology

Career and College Ready


Increase virtual learning opportunities so every child no matter where they live can reach his or her potential

Put more technology into the hands of students and teachers to increase individualized learning options

Increase the use of technology by providing professional development opportunities for teachers

Local and State Scopes of Work


Incorporate the state infrastructure blueprint into technology plans
Implement the infrastructure blueprint

Utilize school technology funds to enhance school technology infrastructure to facilitate online real–time assessments at each school

Provide access to effective, high–quality, job–embedded, data–informed professional development and support for educators with objectives aligned to the Race to the Top Initiatives

Home Base 


Provide and support student, teacher, and administrator access to Learner Management System and web collaboration tools in Homebase


Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices   





Evaluation Method(s)


Develop a comprehensive sustainable LEA plan for universal access.  Resources:  NCDPI, NCDTL, Educator Effectiveness, and District & School Transformation

Continue providing 1:1 devices with wireless Internet access for all schools

Administrators, Teachers, Technology Staff





Communicate your plan to all stakeholders.

Post Technology Plan online and highlight goals and targets in administrative meetings


Chief Technology Officer, Administrators, Webmaster


Posted plan online


Increase overall access to personal learning devices.

Continue student 1:1 program in grades K-12


Administrators, Teachers, Technology Staff




Utilize Personal Learning Devices to promote student owned learning.

Utilize state provided tools in Homebase for formative/benchmark assessments using laptops and Chromebooks


Administrators, Teachers, Digital Learning Facilitators, Instructional Specialists, Students


Online Homebase reports


Strategic Priority 3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources

WCS utilizes Homebase, NC WiseOwl, online digital textbooks, NCVPS, and other digital resources for online course content and curriculum.  We currently subscribe to Edmentum, Canvas Gaggle, G Suite for Education, MobyMax, Discovery Education, BrainPop, etc. to enhance, customize, and create digital content for student learning. 


Wilkes County Schools will utilize digital content provided through Homebase to provide additional digital resources for all K-12 students as resources become available. 

Strategic Priority 3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources

Academic Standards


Support digital teaching and learning, increase online testing

Career and College Ready


Increase virtual learning opportunities so every child no matter where they live can reach his or her potential

Put more technology into the hands of students and teachers to increase individualized learning options

Local and State Scopes of Work


Ensure teachers and staff understand the Standard Course of Study and related assessments

Home Base


Provide and support student, teacher, and administrator access to Learner Management System and web collaboration tools


3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks





Evaluation Methods(s)


Continue to transition from traditional print and paper-based resources to current, affordable online resources

Utilize Homebase, Google Apps for Education, and web collaboration tools along with other online services to support instruction


Administrators, Digital Learning Facilitators, Instructional Specialists, Teachers




Online reports for Homebase and Google Apps use


Utilize procured resources such as NC WiseOwl, Home Base and other open education resources

Utilize Homebase, NC WiseOwl, and web collaboration tools as services become available


Administrators, Teachers, Digital Learning Facilitators, Instructional Specialists



Online reports for Homebase and Google Apps use


Use digital content aligned specifically to NC Standards and Curriculum

Utilize the tools available from DPI toolkit (Crosswalks, Unpacked Content, Vertical Progressions, etc.) and post all curriculum tools on grade level or content specific wikis


Chief Academic Officer, Instructional Specialists


Posted resources online


Ensure equity to digital teaching and learning resources from school to school in your LEA

Utilize Digital Learning Facilitators and Instructional Specialists to provide digital teaching and learning skills for a 1:1 environment


Administrators, Teachers, Digital Learning Facilitators, Instructional Specialists



Professional Development Evaluations



Strategic Priority 4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development

All teachers have completed PowerTeacher Pro training.  All teachers have received professional development conducted by Digital Learning Facilitators to assist with integrating the 1:1 initiative.  Instructional Specialists are used as data coaches during Data Team meetings to assist teachers in data-driven decision making for instruction.


We currently use formative assessment tools such as MobyMax, SchoolNet, mClass, STAR, Google Forms etc., along with county and school level professional development activities to support data-driven decision making for instructional Data Teams. 


Strategic Priority 4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development

Academic Standards


Update the analysis of the technology infrastructure needed to support a digital curriculum and assessment system and to move additional testing to appropriate technology formats

This analysis will allow the transition from a paper–based assessment system to one that takes greater advantage of technology

Career and College Ready


Put more technology into the hands of students and teachers to increase individualized learning options

Increase the use of technology for providing professional development opportunities for teachers

Local and State Scopes of Work


Using instructional directors, instructional specialists/data coaches, and master teachers, provide professional development in curriculum changes and expectations

Home Base 


Provide instruction in PowerTeacher, PowerSchool, SchoolNet, and other resources available in Homebase


4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development






Evaluation Method(s)


Implement a plan for embedded technology-enabled professional development for teachers and administrators.

Digital Learning Facilitators and Instructional Specialists will continue to support implementation of new standards through grade level planning sessions, modeling and coaching


Administrators, Teachers, Digital Learning Facilitators, Instructional Specialists


Professional Development Evaluations


Support models that assist all school personnel in creating technology-enabled instruction that transforms educational practice and improves student learning

School administrators, DLF’s, and instructional specialists will work with teams to ensure understanding of the tools available in Homebase through professional development sessions and Data Team meetings


Administrators, Teachers, Digital Learning Facilitators, Instructional Specialists


Data Team Notes


Prepare media specialists and instructional technology facilitators to support digital reform.

Quarterly meetings will be conducted to provide professional development to support digital reform


Chief Technology Officer, Digital Learning Facilitators, Media Specialists



Professional Development Evaluations


Deliver NC Curriculum Standards   training to teachers using integrated technology as a model for further classroom integration.

Continue Standard Course of Study  training integrating technology during grade level meetings, Data Team meetings, and school level professional development


Administrators, Teachers, Instructional Specialists, Digital Learning Facilitators



Data Team Notes

Professional Development Evaluations


Prepare staff for online assessment delivery.

District level Testing Coordinator will train each school level testing coordinator for online assessments.  School level testing coordinators will train teachers


Director of Testing and Accountability, School Testing Coordinators, Administrators, Teachers


Professional Development Evaluations


Prepare students for online assessment delivery.

Utilize SchoolNet and other online assessment tools to prepare students for online testing


Administrators, Teachers, Instructional Specialists, Digital Learning Facilitators



Online reports for SchoolNet and other assessment tools


Provide ongoing support and professional development necessary for use of data to inform instruction.

Continue to utilize Data Teams to make decisions to inform instruction

Administrators, Instructional Specialists, Teachers



Data Team Notes


Provide support for teacher and administrator progress and evaluation according to NCEES standards.

Submit teacher, principal and assistant principal summary rating results using NCEES online system


Executive Director of Human Resources, Administrators, Teachers



Completed Evaluations


Strategic Priority 5: Digital Leadership for All Schools and Districts

Principals participate in monthly principals’ meetings at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.  These meetings provide opportunities for professional development, planning, leadership discussions and collaboration to guide our schools.


Students in grades K -12 are provided a Chromebook or laptop.  Wireless functionality is available in all of our schools to provide diverse learning experiences to students using these devices.  Teachers use Google Apps for Education, Canvas, and other online tools to collaborate with students within their class, the school, the district, and in the global community.  Students use this technology for project based learning.


Teachers use SchoolNet and other online resources to create formative assessments to measure student learning. 


Teachers participate in Data Team meetings at the school level.  District K-5 grade level meetings as well as grade 6 -12 subject area meetings are conducted throughout the school year.   Technology professional development is conducted based on teacher needs and requests.

Strategic Priority 5: Digital Leadership for All Schools and Districts

Academic Standards


Create a comprehensive, customized professional development system to provide teachers and administrators with the skills and understandings needed to use data to inform instructional practice and make formative assessments a daily practice in the classroom

Career and College Ready


Increase the use of technology for providing professional development opportunities for teachers

Local and State Scopes of Work


All K-12 teachers will have access to NC Curriculum Standards


Instructional Specialists are available to all schools to provide school level and district level staff development

Home Base 


Teachers will utilize SchoolNet and other resources available in Homebase


5: Digital Leadership for All Schools and Districts





Evaluation Method(s)


Create and lead a vision for digital teaching and learning

A portion of each monthly principals’ meeting will be devoted to training and supporting school level administrators in data analysis to inform instruction


Chief Academic Officer, Administrators



Principals’ Meeting Notes


Create digital learning environments

Assess telecommunication services including data services, telephone lines, VoIP connectivity, network hardware and infrastructure, wireless infrastructure, end user hardware, software, and other services to provide resources and tools necessary for  digital teaching and learning


Chief Technology Officer, Technology Staff





Prepare teachers and administrators to lead digital learning environments

School administrators, digital learning facilitators and instructional specialists will work with teams to ensure understanding of technology tools available through professional development sessions and Data Team meetings


Administrators, Instructional Specialists, Digital Learning Facilitators, Teachers



Data Team Notes

Professional Development Evaluations/Questionnaires/Surveys


Develop strategic partnerships with community and business to promote digital learning.

Partner with Institutes of Higher Education to provide access to STEM related courses


Chief Academic Officer, Administrators, Teachers



WCC Course Enrollment